2day is 16 of January adi...
I have vry expect for 17 and 18 of January...
Bcoz 17th I will eat the steamboat with my housemate and my frenz...
Tis is first time since I stay at KL...
2day we go buy the thing for steamboat...
but juz a little oli...
we gt around 14 person...
izit enogh or not?
so we decide tmr go buy again...
hope tmr is a nice day ba^^
18th leh...
I will go penang Island v my college frenz...
Actuali I m vry familiar about penang...
Coz I study TARC at tat B4...
But tis is first time go tat v KL college frenz....
Hope we can enjoy the trip ba^^
And my hand is vry pain...
Bcoz yesterday i vry stupid...
my hand sprayed byhot water...
2day no vry pain if no touch the water...
but when touch water...
It is vry pain!!!!!!!!!!!!